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Ufo Testament:

Anatomy of an Abductee
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Writer's Showcase, 01/10/2002 - 528 páginas
This book entails the life of one who has not only become internationally respected as a UFO investigator and author but now as a so-called UFO abductee. It is strikingly different from other works dealing with UFO abductions in that it will provide an overview of the complete life of an abductee from early childhood to sunset years of his life. The exciting descriptions of UFO sightings, investigations and documentation would be worthy of a book themselves. The Chief Scientific Consultant for the USAF UFO Project Bluebook, Astronomer Dr. Hynek is on record as stating:
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UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee
UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee. This book of 512 pages gives one an amazing look into one of the best UFO investigators of all times.

Ray Fowler's Home Page
synchrofile. Amazing Personal Encounters With Synchronicity And Other Strange Phenomena. The author is no stranger to tackling mysteries. ...

Book Reviews
UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee by Raymond E. Fowler. iuniverse,. 2002. 542 pp. $29.95. ISBN 0-595-24130-1. UFO Testament is a chronology of the cases ...

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UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee (UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee Libros Ingles Travel General Writer's Showcase Press) ...

Since Fowler has noted synchronicities before, and is now writing a book on the subject, following his last UFO book, "UFO Testament: Anatomy of an Abductee ...

Información bibliográfica

Cosmic test tube: extraterrestrial contact, theories and evidence
Randall Fitzgerald - 1998 - 395 páginas
0 reseńas
COSMIC TEST TUBE is unique among the genre of New Age/UFO titles for two reasons; 1) it is one of the first to include information from all fields of study, with 5 Sections ... más »
The UFO phenomenon
Time-Life Books - 1988 - 160 páginas
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Explores the phenomenon of UFOs, discussing individuals' experiences and sitings, and offering possible explanations más »
The Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a Ufo
Raymond E. Fowler - 01/09/1994 - 239 páginas
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For 10 years Betty Andreasson could tell no one about her bizarre, terrifying encounter with aliens. Now after a 12-month scientific investigation, the story can be told. "An ... más »